LTA 132: August 2024

Let's Talk Apple Logo


This solo show starts with a quick followup from recent months before diving into just a few regulatory stories, one quick legal story, quite a bit of HR news, and some highlights from Apple’s services and original content. The four main stories are the impact of Google being judge an illegal search monopoly on Apple, Apple’s assault on Patreon, Apple’s continuing journey towards DMA compliance, and the continuing rollout of Apple Intelligence. The show finishes with a rundown of a few other quick Apple-related stories that made the news in August.

You’ll find detailed show notes below the fold, and if you enjoy this free show, please consider clicking on the donate button at the top of the left side bar – the show is free for you to listen to, but not for Bart to Produce!

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Updates & Followup

Quick updates to long-running stories the show continues to track, and to stories covered in recent shows.

Regulatory Rundown

Legal Latest

Apple HR & Acquisition News

Apple Services & Original Content Highlights

Main Stories

  1. The Judge in the DOJ Anti-trust case against Google has ruled that they have an illegal monopoly —…

  2. Apple force Patreon to completely change their payment structure in their iOS App (TL;DR, creators like me will lose 30% ) — Patreon PR

  3. Apple's journey to EU Digital Markets Act (DMA) compliance continues:

    • Apple alters App Store linking rules and fee structure in EU —…

      • Apps can provide links to alternative deals and payments outside the App Store mechanism, and Apple don’t get to enforce design limitations.

      • Users will get the power to disable Apple’s warning when using external payment providers

      • All developers, regardless of whether they opted for the standard developer agreement or the special EU one can use external links (within the EU)

      • Regardless the agreement the developer chose, there is always an Initial Acquisition Fee of 5% on sales made through a link within a year of installation.

      • All developers also pay a Store Services Fee, but the rate varies depending on the chosen developer agreement (remember, developers under the standard agreement don’t pay the Core Technology Fee, but developers under the EU agreement do):

        • Under the standard agreement the fee is 20%, reduced to 7% for members of the App Store Small Business Program, or a subscription renewal after the first year.
        • Under the EU agreement the fee is 10%, dropping to 5% in the same circumstances.
      • Spotify, Epic Games call Apple’s latest EU App Store changes ‘confusing’ —…

      • Analysis & Opinion: Apple Announces New Fee Structure and Updated Guidelines for Apps in the EU That Link Out to the Web for Purchases —… ("a convoluted mess of a compliance plan for a convoluted mess of a law")

    • iOS 18 will bring big changes to app defaults in the EU —… &…

      • Browser choice screen changes:

        • Links will now have icons and short App Store descriptions, and a link to the browser’s App Store page.
        • Install and download can be done from the choice screen with progress indicator.
        • The new browser will replace Safari in the Dock or on the Home Screen.
      • In iOS 18 EU users will be able to assign their own default apps for:

        • Dialling phone numbers
        • Adding Call spam filter
        • Sending messages
        • Navigating with maps
        • Managing passwords
        • Using alternative keyboards
        • Translating text
      • Just about every default app will become un-installable, the exceptions being Settings and Phone, that means EU users will be able to remove:

        • Apple’s App Store
        • The default Messages app
        • Apple’s Camera & Photos apps
        • Safari
    • The roll out of third-party app stores continues

    • Related: After Years of Legal Wrangling, Apple Now Allows Spotify to Show EU Users Pricing in App, and Inform Them They Can Sign Up on the Web —…

      • Spotify are not opting to use the new rules for external links, they’re opting for the new Music Streaming Services Entitlement Apple announced in response to the streaming music antitrust ruling earlier this year that has nothing to do with the DMA.
      • Spotify can add text, but not links.
    • Related: Having agreed to open access the NFC chip in iPhones for EU developers last month to settle an antitrust investigation that pre-dates the DMA, Apple has announced a similar program for developers in some other countries — Apple PR,…,… &

      • Starting in iOS 18.1, developers in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, the U.K., and the U.S will be able to request access to a new NFC and SE entitlement (other counties will follow, but no timescale given).
      • The new entitlement will provide access to NFC & Secure Element API enabling secure and private use of NFC for contactless payments, car keys, public transit, corporate badges, student IDs, home keys, hotel keys, merchant loyalty and rewards cards, and event tickets (government IDs to will get support later).
      • Users can open the matching app to use NFC, and there will be an option to change the default app brought up by double-clicking the lock button.
      • Developers need to enter an additional commercial agreement with Apple and there will be associated fees (no details provided yet).
  4. The work to roll out Apple Intelligence continues

Quick Stories


Note: When the textual description of a link is part of the link it is the title of the page being linked to, when the text describing a link is not part of the link it is a description written by Bart.

Emoji Meaning
A press release or official statement.
A link to audio content, probably a podcast.
flag The story is particularly relevant to people living in a specific country, or, the organisation the story is about is affiliated with the government of a specific country.
A link to graphical content, probably a chart, graph, or diagram.
A link to an article behind a pay-wall.
A pinned story, i.e. one to keep an eye on that's likely to develop into something significant in the future.


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