Let’s Talk Apple — Ep. 75 (November 2019)

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The show starts with a look at some followups to stories from previous months before jumping into some notable numbers released in November. Next is a single legal story and three HR stories. The five main stories are an alleged gender bias in AppleCard credit limits, the removal of Vaping apps from the App Store, Apple’s Russian woes, the new 16″ MacBook Pros, and Apple’s complicated relationship with US President Donald Trump. The show finishes with a quick rundown of some other Apple-related stories that made the news in November.

You’ll find detailed show notes below the fold, and if you enjoy this free show, please consider clicking on the donate button at the top of the left side bar – the show is free for you to listen to, but not for Bart to Produce!

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Notable Numbers

Legal Latest

  • Apple -v- VirnetX takes another turn as the US Court of Appeals has vacated the damages awarded to VirnetX by a jury and sent it back to the lower court Texas to decide whether to re-calculate the damages or to hold a damages-only trial — www.imore.com/…

Apple HR & Acquisition News

Main Stories

  1. Aledged gender-bias in AppleCard credit limits
  2. Apple has removed all Vaping apps from their App Store and updated their terms to exclude any new vaping apps
  3. Russian Woes:
  4. Apple have released new 16" MacBook Pros — arstechnica.com/… & www.imore.com/…
  5. Trump & Apple — it’s complicated!

Quick Stories

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